Monday, July 9, 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award

Man, how about that hiatus?  I'm not going to be that internet guy giving excuses as to why he's been (extremely) late coming out with (free) content, but let me just say writing is hard and ugh.  Anyways, the two people who still check this blog should be happy to know I am now back on track to water-birth more psychically traumatizing stories of my travels.

Also, MonsterTV gave me this blogger award:

It sure is pink.  And apparently I have to answer questions:

Seven questions -
  1. What's your favorite song? Right now, "All My Friends" by LCD Soundsystem.  Or "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol.
  2. What's your favorite dessert? Flan, historically.  Although after Asia I'm kind of burnt out on it.
  3. What do you do when you're upset? I get super quiet and try to convince myself that being zen is still a really cool guy thing to do.
  4. Which is your favorite pet? I always wanted a sugar glider when I was a kid.  Now I want an Akita.  That story about one waiting by a train station for its dead master to come home until it finally starved to death?  I want that.  I want all of that.
  5. Which do you prefer? Black or White? Black.
  6. What is your biggest fear? Compound fractures.  No wait; Candiru.  That one.  Eff those guys.
  7. What is your attitude mostly? Pretty okay.

Ten facts -
  1. I have been to 21 countries, and most of them were really nice.
  2. I am an Eagle Scout.  Really.  Suck on that.
  3. I was once offered a job as a ballroom dance instructor, despite not knowing how to dance at all period.  Turning it down is one of my biggest regrets.
  4. I used to be crazy into ska music.  Not so much, now.
  5. There's a tattoo on my wrist that says "DON'T PANIC."  So far, it's worked.  Also, some people think it's from the Coldplay song.  It's not.
  6. Recently I got into watching straight-to-dvd sequels to horror movies.  It is a terrible habit and needs to stop.  (Did you know there's one for Blade?!  Yessssss)
  7. Nowadays I read more about video games than actually play them, which is constantly depressing me.
  8. When I lived in Korea, I once got in a lot of trouble by playing guitar and screaming Misfits songs in the middle of the night.  Instead of banging on the wall, my neighbors called my boss at work somehow.  Zoinks!  Another time, I blacked out and woke up in an abandoned building.  Shucks!
  9. Deep, deep, deep down, I still think I could move to Hollywood and make it big because I'm different from everyone else.
  10. I spent an hour last night reading about foreskins on the internet.  THERE DONE FINALLY.

I'll be back very soon with a new chapter for my now-officially-award-winning blog.  Impossible though it may seem, the worst/best stories are still yet to come.  Some of you probably won't be able to look me in the eye afterward.  Thank goodness for the World Wide Web!

(keep reading my blog please)

P.S. It looks like I'm getting Google traffic from people searching "worst sunburn blisters in the world".  Finally.  I've arrived.

1 comment:

  1. keep reading my blog, please?
    SOOOO NEEDY! Psh.. fine... I'll do it... just because life pretty much screws with you on a daily basis, you sun blister freak! Hope my page view will make you rich.. in fact.. I'll install an adblocker right now.. not even because the ads bother me.. just to be in sync with the rest of the world that fucks you over :P Mwahaha
